Monday, September 10, 2007


happy birthday to me!!! i'm sooo nervous for wednesday. i leave at 1:55pm az time and get to ny albany at 10:50pm. I feel like i'm going to be bored out of my mind. and to be afraid of flying. not fun. at lestt when i fly with chandler and the kids i'm occupied keeping them busy. i'm trying not to get worked up about how nervous i am to fly. i have plenty of time for that as i'm taking off, flying, and there's the landing. i will survive and it will be worth it. i know that i'm going to have so much fun with tiffani. i can't wait. i still have a lot to do. i promised chandler that i would make spagetti and a chicken casserole. so he can just heat dinner up. i still need to pack. i want to finish all homework tomorrow so chandler doesn't have to worry about it. oh yeah, i did get medicine. hopefully it will help. so bye for now. next post will be of some pics of my trip!! pic is of chandlera parker and i on our way to mesquite, nevada march 2007


Leslie said...

Hope you have an awesome trip and a wonderful birthday!! Say hello to the naked cowboy for me!(he sings on the corner in Manhatten)

Janel said...

What the heck?? Are you going ot post pics of your trip or what???? I have been waiting!!!! LOL