The past 6 weeks have been some of the hardest weeks of my life..and fun! I definetly signed up the kids for too many acivities. I'm soooo ready for May to be over!! This is what we've been up to. I was able to go on a fieldtrip with Carter to the Maricopa County fair. It was a lot of fun spending that time with him and he thought it was really cool to have his mom there. Yes i've gained weight.. but a good friend told me that I need to take pics anyways. The kids really liked the rockets. Jace has loved playing tackle but he is on the worst team ever. It's the coach. He is horrible! But he is having fun anyways. At three practices a week i'm ready for it to be over but we still have 5 weeks. Hayley is still dancing. She takes hip hop, hip hop company, jazz and clogging. It has been way too much for me. She also got pick to represent Dance Element at Starbound dance Comp which meant more practices. and she has extra practices for the recital. I love watching her dance but i'm so ready for it to be over. Heck i'm ready to do nothing but swim all day with the kiddos. Anyways her dance trio took 2nd place and so did her dance group. i will post videos later. My girl Hayley.
The kids last day of school is June 2nd. Hooray!! I can't wait!!! I will make it through the month of May! I will I will!!