Well can you say STRESSED OUT! that is what I am. I have really learned to control my stresses in life but really! Last week Chandler found a forclosure notice taped to our garage door. We are in a rental and they haven't been making a payment on the house since we've moved in. the forclosure date is feb 13th. so Chandler called our landlord and he said they are refinancing the house and it won't forclose. that's a bunch of crap! homes aren't worth what people owe so there is no way they are going to be able to refinance. so things are up in the air! We do have a rental lined up but not til July 1st. I was talking to our sitters mom and she said they will be renting there house out and would rather rent to us than somebody they don't know. They aren't upside down on the house so i know we won't get forclosed on. it's five bedrooms with a pool for four hundred less than we are paying now. and is walking distance to the school. we would be in our old ward. well kind of. they split it into thirds but we know a lot of people in that ward still. the kids are excited and so am i. i just hate the situation because it is so dishonest! why rent to us if you know you will be losing the house! argh.. so a negative then a positive. i don't know what we will do if we have to move out feb. it will all work out right! we will know more after Christmas.
last monday i threw my back out doing the back lift in body pump. i haven't ever thrown my back out and let me tell you it really sucks! so i went to the chiropractor and he looks at my xrays and tell me i have the beginning stages of arthritist in my lower back. insurance doesn't cover the chiro. great! lets just add it to the fixing Casey list. well the chiro tells me how much it's going to be to get adjusted and do decompression therapy yadda yadda. we definetly don't have anything extra this month. i ended up seeing one of my brother in laws friends there in the office. he is a chiro too. he started telling my chiro about the mma gym that my husband is going to start in january. he offered me half price on the adjustments ($26) and my therapy which is $40 a treatment and i need 10 treatments for free if Chandler advertises him in the mma gym for the fighters. Chandler agrees of course! HUGE blessing! We are so blessed to be so close to the temple. We always enjoy going to look at the Christmas lights and the huge beautiful statue of Christ.
Jace got in a fight at scouts on Wednesday. I hate fighting but i am so proud of Jace for standing up to this kid. This boy has been pushing Jace around the last few weeks in class. He is bigger than Jace and Jace proved to him that size doesn't matter. The kid was pushing Jace and Jace told him to stop. He said what are you going to do about it. so Jace flipped him over onto the ground and got behind him and started to do a rear naked choke on him. the kid then bit his arm and the leaders finally saw what was going on. Jace is a squirt. but he is tough, and thanks to his dad he knows how to stand up for himself! go jace!
Thursday morning started with Hayley telling me that she had a band concert that night and needed to wear all black. she does this to me all of the time. she did it to me tonight actually. "mom you need to come to the last 15 minutes of hip hop". there went my finish christmas shopping plans. She has to take band and at first she was excited about it. now she doesn't like it at all. I can't believe that she picked the trombone to play. She looked very pretty and we had a lot of fun taking pics of her and the trombone before the concert.
Friday Hayley and Jace stayed the night at grandmas and we went on a date. I won a cheesecake factory gift card at bunco so we ate there. yummo and i ate myself sick! We also got free suns tickets at the last minute so we ended up going to the suns game! We had a lot of fun.
Saturday Carter had a bday party a peterpiper pizza. Then i had to go pick my dad up at the truck stop, went to Hayleys dance performance at the old folks home, went to eat with grandpa, and my dad let the kids pick out a christmas gift at walmart. fun fun busy busy! I think i'm most excited for 12:30 chrurch. we have had church at 8am and it changed this sunday. yeah!!
So if you haven't heard from me for a while. I apologize especially to tiffani and janel. I know you wanted to go to lunch last week Janel! and i haven't talked to tiff in forever. Posting random pics. All of my pics of Hayley with her trombone and temple aren't uploading. It's saying the are corrupt. nice.
Are you regretting reading this post! I think I just had a therapy session. :)
I am going to try to send some luck your way! That stinks about the house. The landlords seemed like such nice people. Well keep me updated on how it all goes.
Man! What a stress you are going through. Well, you are in our prayers!
Well dang you have been busy! I figured you were and so was I, you know how it goes. I have been MIA for sure. Just trying to keep the holidays as calm as possible, har har. I evn wanted to call you to get the kds together for Christmas for cocoa and Christmas lights, but ya know how it goes. Looks like neither of us really had time anyway. I miss you, lets get together next week or after New Years
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